Kevin had come to the rainforest to study the plants, but upon his arrival, his local host, with a smile on his face, assured him he absolutely must take part in a “harvesting” expedition.

The host explained, as the two proceeded into the jungle, that some years ago a couple of dozen pretty young girls had moved into the rainforest, to set up a lesbian commune away from civilization. Their diet, initially, had consisted primarily of the succulent pink berries indigenous to the area, which they had been (correctly) told were both edible and nutritious.

What they had not known was that the berries were also a powerful aphrodisiac. The girls had found themselves quickly becoming stupid and horny – too wet to think straight or procure themselves another source of food, trapped in a cycle of eating the delicious pink fruit and then pleasuring their pussies until they needed to eat again.

It had become the passtime of locals to enter the fringes of the commune and try to find one of the girls out gathering berries. Unable to look after their clothes because of their constant sexual need, the girls were mostly found naked except for certain simple ornaments. When they saw a man, they would run, because they remembered they were lesbians and it was socially unacceptable in their community to want heterosexual fucking, but they would not run far or fast, and it was relatively easy to catch the girls and rape them, whereupon they would moan and buck like bitches in heat, their cunts sopping wet and their nipples erect, and they would usually orgasm several times before their rapist finished.

The “harvesting” expedition of that day was indeed successful, and both he and his host had fun with a pretty big-titted girl whose mixture of distressed and aroused squeals brought them to a satisfying orgasm as they raped her.

On their way home, he asked his host what would have happened had he, the visitor, been a woman instead of a man. Laughing his host explained that when pretty girls came to visit the area, they were given a handful of the berries to eat “as a local treat”, led out to the area of the commune, and abandoned. The lesbians seemed to appreciate having a new pussy to suck on, and by the end of the week the girl, now unable to think straight enough to leave, would be ready to be harvested…


If you enjoyed this story, you’ll love my e-book Sappho’s Collar – Stories of Lesbians Used By Men, available from my creator site for only $3.99 USD. Your purchase helps keep the lights on, and supports the creation of new, free erotica! (Click here to view in store.)


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